Make a Post in Blogger with Email

Posted by Otak Komputer on Thursday 30 October 2014

Dear all visitor, it's been a long time no see, hehehe. Trying to focus on my real world life, and now I wanna give you a simple information about posting on blogger. Blogger is one of my favorites blog framework. Ok, this simple information maybe will be so important for you with limited bandwidth or internet limit quota, just like me *poor us*.

We just need to enable this feature from our blog setting. Where do you can find it?  Just go to your blog settings.... choose mobile and email setting. And tadaaaaa, you already see it. You need to give an unique name in the text box to identify which blog will post the email you sent in the future.

email setting for posting on blogger

When you want to post via email, just sent your email to the posting email you have already choose. There are 3 option to handle the email, publish it right away, save as draft, or disable the feature. For the third option you will not do that, because if you do so, this feature will be disabled by blogger.

I choose to publish email immediately and it will took about 3-5 minutes to have it shown on otak-komputer. Your email subject will be your post header, and email body will be your post content. You can add images on your email, and hopefully you can send and html email format to make the post formatting look nice.

Give it a try guys..... See you in the next post........

Blog, Updated at: 15:59


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