Make a Blog with Blogger

Posted by Otak Komputer on Wednesday 22 July 2009

In my previous post, we have been successfully to create our blog with Wordpress. I hope all of you done it well in your first try. Now, we will try to make a blog with other provider, Blogger. For this blog, I use blogger indeed. But why I write about Wordpress first? Ahh, that's just in mood.
Ok, we will start now to make our new blog. Step by step :

  1. As always, our first step is open blogger homepage.
  2. After loading finished, you will see a candy view button like below.

    create a blog
  3. Click it to create a blog. You will see a form to fulfill with your data.
  4. In this form, you will make your account to access the blog next time. Why I have to make a google account? I want to make a blog, not make a google account. Don't worry, this is just a form. This come because blogger is one of google product. 
  5. Fill all the box, and than click the continue button to next step.
  6. Now, you will see two box to fill. First is the blog tittle that will appear in top of the browser.
  7. Second one is for your url.

    choose your url
  8. After that, you will prompt to choose a template for your blog.

    choose your template
  9. Choose your template and click continue. 
  10. In this step, you have finished to create your blog in blogger. Congratulations.
That's all friends, you have just create a blog. Easy isn't it!!! After that, what should I do now? Wait for my next post. Rahim Rasyid

Blog, Updated at: 13:07


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