Import Wordpress posts to Blogspot

Posted by Otak Komputer on Tuesday, 1 December 2009

blogger and wordpress
We can see the meaning from picture above right? We want to migrate our blog from wordpress to blogspot. I think this is rarely happen to blogger, because if we use one of that engine, we'll loyal to use it. Never want to change it from wordpress to blogspot or vice versa. But it still worth to learn how to do that.
First step is login to your wordpress account. When you inside your dashboard, try to find tools tab and choose export. You will see page like this picture below.
export form from wordpress
For restrict Author option, you can choose it as you want. Default value is you will export all posts from all users. But in advance you can choose which author's posts want to export. Finish with that just push download button and save your .xml file.
Now we login to our blogspot and choose settings tab. You will see blog tools there, give you 3 option, import, export, and delete blog. You know what to do here, click import blog and you will see this
import form from blogspot
Now you know where to put .xml file that you've download from wordpress blog. Shall we put it now? Maybe you want to try it first before I answer that question. My answer we can't do that now. It's because xml format from wordpress is different with xml format for blogger. So what we do next? Convert it. Do it myself? Hahaha, we use service from other website. Please visit this blog
You will see a set of instruction how to convert it. When you finish convert your xml file, you can put it now on import form from blogspot. For your information, you only have your post only without pages from wordpress. I think it because blogspot not support pages. Happy blogging.
Wait a minutes, what about blogspot to wordpress? How to do that? It's a simple step to do it. Open your wordpress dashboard, find tools tab and choose import. You will see like this picture
import form from wordpress
Choose your blog engine here. For this post, we talk about blogspot to wordpress, so please select Blogger. After that you will prompt to give access from your blogspot account to wordpress. That's all you need folks. Thanks again

Blog, Updated at: 15:10


  1. Nice info, I will import my Wordpress to blogger

  2. this good info.. i;m need to..thanks

  3. terimakasih infonya,sangat bermafaat dan bisa membantu,,,
    salam kenal
    i like u

  4. thanks for give a comment at my blog :D


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